
Showing posts from October, 2008

Car Accident

You know how you see this spoiled, snotty, whiney little people that think that they have it bad and your just like...oh give me a break, suck it up? Well I am going to be one of those spoiled, snotty, whiney little people. I NEED A BREAK!!! To much to fast, I am GOING INSANE. I got in a car accident today. My car cannot be driven until it is fixed. The whole accident has charma written all over it. I wouldnt have be in that place at that time if I wasnt going to work early to impress my boss for a job I hate (the location anyway). I wouldnt have been in that place at that time if I not stopped at the gas station to get a diet coke and donut (more ironic is that I am trying to loss weight and was going to the gym after work). If someone were to ask me if I were given a million dollars what would I do with it...well today I would buy a house in the middle of nowhere, and I mean that. No stores, no people, I would move to Canada if I had to. I would just also buy a gun to protect myself