Car Accident

You know how you see this spoiled, snotty, whiney little people that think that they have it bad and your just like...oh give me a break, suck it up? Well I am going to be one of those spoiled, snotty, whiney little people. I NEED A BREAK!!! To much to fast, I am GOING INSANE. I got in a car accident today. My car cannot be driven until it is fixed. The whole accident has charma written all over it. I wouldnt have be in that place at that time if I wasnt going to work early to impress my boss for a job I hate (the location anyway). I wouldnt have been in that place at that time if I not stopped at the gas station to get a diet coke and donut (more ironic is that I am trying to loss weight and was going to the gym after work). If someone were to ask me if I were given a million dollars what would I do with it...well today I would buy a house in the middle of nowhere, and I mean that. No stores, no people, I would move to Canada if I had to. I would just also buy a gun to protect myself from bears. I would buy the BEST home entertainment center money could buy. I would purchase vast amounts of DVDs and live there the rest of my life watching movies, reading books (mostly Twilight) and live happily ever after...with Mr. Sir and Nessie. :) I would have a garden, maybe some horses, and with the horses...a sexy cowboy to show me how to take care of them. ;) Life would be good...PLEASE someone give me a millions dollars.


Laura Jett said…
what the?!? What happened?? Are you ok? give me more details on the accident and i'll think about giving you a mill! ;)
Anonymous said…
Oh Man! I'm so sorry Lady! And YES...I did see todays episode! I'm so excited Christina's dude is back! But they made it look like he's going to become a psycho!
Jen said…
I'm sorry...I've had my share of accidents too. It sucks. I totally agree. I would love to move FAR away from everyone and everything and just sit and read or watch movies. I am excited you have a blog now!! Oh and thanks for letting us know about Twilight tickets! you're the bomb!! Heck yeah I have awesome connections!

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