
Wow it has been way to long since I updated this thing. I have been so busy at work. Now that the busy season is over I feel like I can sleep. I could talk about work forever but I know that gets dull to hear about so all I am going to say is that everyone should go to the movie Defiance. Its amazing. So unbelievably inspiring.

Anyways, so as for more exciting updates. I joined weight watchers!! My best friend is getting married in May and has asked me to be a bridesmaid so I thought what a perfect excuse to get me motivated. I am so excited for her. They are the cutest couple and I think its going to be a really great experience for everyone involved. So I have only been doing it for about a week, but I feel like the week has gone pretty good. The first 3 days were the hardest, but I got through them. Amber you're going to have to help me.

Josie (my friend that's getting married) is coming down here at the end of the month and we are going dress shopping with her mom and two sisters. Were also going to look at a reception center. It's going to be great!

Also, I finally booked all the doctor appointments I have needed to book for the last 6 months...well all but one ;). I went to the ENT on Friday and found out why I can never breath. I have a deviated septum...among a few other issues with my nose the prevent me from breathing easily. It sucks because I go to work out and I feel like I am swallowing air because I cant breath out of my nose. So on Wednesday I am going in for a pre-op appointment to get surgery to correct the problem. My boss is calling it a nose job. Lol. The doctor said that it wouldn't change the shape of my nose though. (I wonder why all the celebs say "its not a nose job...they had a deviated septum fixed." lol) I have to rebook the chiropractor, cant wait for that one, and I have an eye appointment on Wednesday. My LEAST favorite is the dentist. I can't even tell you how much I hate the dentist. My teeth are so sensitive that it KILLS just getting my teeth cleaned.

Anyway, enough about doctors.

So Mr. Sir, my cat that had major surgery because he got in a cat fight, has been going outside again since about December. Well he came home after getting in another fight. He didn't break bones this time, but his head is all bloodied up. I don't know what I am going to do with him.

Nessie is as cute as ever. I come home from work and she is by the door waiting I love them both do death, I just had to post some pictures.


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