
Showing posts from January, 2012

Oh how things change....

If you had told me two years ago I would be where I am now I would have called you crazy. It's amazing how much time can change experiences in life give us a new perspective. How moments can so dramatically change the path we are on. I keep wanting to say "Oh how I have changed in the last year" but really it's been more than a year. Sascha died over a year ago and it feels like just yesterday. Sascha dying is what I thought changed me but really I was changed before just took that dramatic event for me to admit it to myself....even after that dramatic event it took me like 9 months. I dont like talking about religion or my religious views with people. There are a couple reasons for this. 1. People get so upset and opinionated over this stuff...myself included. And I avoid that battle by just not talking about it 2. I felt like a hypocrite saying I believed in a certain thing without really understanding it or studying it. 3. Many faiths, in