Finding Balance in 2015

I love New Years. I love new beginnings. New opportunities. I understand you can start ANYTIME, but there is just something about a new year for me that really recharges my batteries.

As I look at my new years resolutions I think of what goals I can set in my life that will help me achieve balance. I firmly believe that finding balance is the key to happiness. Like real happiness. The kind you feel when you are alone in a room with no one around. That kind that makes you stop, sigh, and realize just how content you are with your simple life.

Finding balance is the key. I believe that to achieve happiness you need to focus on balance in 4 areas. If you put too much emphasis in just one of these for areas then you are going to achieve the highest level of happiness that you possibly can.

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.”

Being happy doesn't mean getting everything you have ever wanted. It means taking joy in the small moments in life. Finding contentment in the mundane everyday things that make up this existence we call life. You are not living more intensely just living more fully.

For me happiness come in finding balance in 4 areas in life.

I have learned that if I set my goals around these 4 areas I am a happier person. I love all the people in my life and hope that you make goals in your life that help you find your happiness.
Peace in 2015.



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